Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel - the homily of the Holy Mass of the Carmelite Rite of the Perpetual Profession at Monastery of the Queen of Carmel in Bunda - Tanzania

The Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel today. A day of utmost importance to the Monastery of the Queen of Carmel in Bunda (some 35 km from Kiabakari). For the very first time in the short - just fourteen year long history of the monastery two sisters of Discalded Carmelite Congregation made their perpetual profession. I had a priviledge to be a main celebrant and the preacher (on behalf of Bishop Renatus Nkwande of the diocese of Bunda who got sick and asked me to stand in) in this unique solemnity. Let us pray for the newly professed sisters!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Emily And Maria Go Serengeti - Images

Huruma Cup 2015

Many years have passed since we held Huruma Cup in our parish for the last time. Many factors contributed to this fact, including some biased judging in the past which made the youth disenchanted with efforts to prepare and perform well. This time I made sure judges are picked by me personally and there is no undue influence on them. I do hope this will be the opening of the new chapter in the history of our parish. Engaging all - children, youth and adults alike - in sports and arts competitions. This year we begin humbly with five categories in arts - choir, debate/ngonjera, sung poem/shairi, drama/igizo and traditional dance/ngoma.

On Saturday, July 4th, we had the first day of the competition - the elimination of art groups from Kiabakari town. The judges did a good job, uninfluenced by anyone and I guess everybody agrees with results. We were enjoying the performance of the groups together with our volunteers from USA - Emily and Maria.

The second stage will be on Saturday July 25th with groups from all over the parish. The best groups in each category will perform in front of the Bishop Michael Msonganzila and the parochial community on Sunday July 26th, on the parochial feast day, which will include Confirmation for our parishioners, 60th birthday of Fr. Godfried Maruru (my friend and helper whenever I am away or in need of extra hands), Jubilee of 60 years of work of our catechist Boniphace Kisunda and my Silver Jubilee as missionary in Tanzania.

Here are some images from Saturday competition. Enjoy!