
In this page you will find a few short videos either related to Kiabakari or my life and work or to those I find interesting and worth sharing with you. I will keep posting here more videos as I continue making short films on various topics related to my missionary work or come across other which I will find interesting enough to share with you.

Please, visit also my Vimeo and YouTube channels. It is there you will find all my videos and links to videos I like.

The latest documentary on the history of Kiabakari mission, 
the Divine Mercy vision in Kiabakari and the dreams about the future

This video was shot entirely in Kiabakari with the participation of my parishioners 
(more on this:

The first comprehensive document we made on Kiabakari history, 
shown on Tanzanian National TV many times. 
Its Polish version on DVD was a complimentary gift 
attached to Fr. Wojciech's autobiography book ' Między Taborem a Golgotą' 
(see the book in the tab TEXTS)