Educational Adoption

One of major programs run by my Foundation Kiabakari is the program of educational adoption of children studying in educational institutions in my mission (pre-school and primary school). As many families in Kiabakari cannot afford or struggle with school fees, educational adoption is a true savior for many and helps sisters to keep the school running at low school fees level for as long as possible.

The program picked up well among private sponsors and families from the beginning and at the moment some fifty children have been adopted by 'educational' parents. The idea is to have all children enrolled in the program thus enabling sisters to run the school at the highest professional level for as low school fees as possible without risking going bankrupt.

This program, as I see it, is kind of a brake that we apply so the sisters running our schools can have extra funding outside the modest school fees paid by the parents and guardians of our children. Otherwise, I am afraid, sooner than later, those who will not afford the rise in school fees every now and then, will start to take their kids off the school and the whole idea of providing quality education for bargain basement price tag right here in the local community will come to a huge failure.

So it is extremely important to spread the word about us and the program and involve as many families and private sponsors as possible who will make sure that we continue to give our children from underprivileged rural families a quality education for as little as possible.

For more info on the program, please visit our Foundation website here or write directly to the volunteers in charge of the program at

Yes, together we can make a difference in lives and open up prospects for better future of our children! So, come and join us!

A dossier of a child enrolled in the program

The personal data of the child have been altered for protection