Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I woke up this morning, generally trashed after bad night and pain in my liver and stomach (getting used to it, and trying to stay positive though), so was quite reluctant to get up from bed and get going. And yet  that overall bad mood was overwhelmed by an excitement of an upcoming trip to Poland. This sensation, so well known to me, whenever I get ready to travel, and so common among the traveling nation worldwide, is called in our European geographical longitude and latitude Reisefieber.
This is the mixture of excitement and nerves before leaving on a trip. I love it. I hope I never lose my enthusiasm for traveling!

So, here I am, circling around my room and thinking what to take and what to leave. This Reisefieber  is always mixed with an insurmountable phobia (called lethophobia - after the name of the river of the Underworld in Greek myth, which, once crossed, causes the dead to forget their former lives) of forgetting something absolutely important, like an air ticket or a passport, or an important document 'sine qua non'... It is unreasonable, as I never forget anything important, but still this phobia kicks in and I check tens of times if I have the passport, tickets, cards anything that I will need during the trip.

While I worry about not forgetting these items, there is a serious mistake I always make in preparations for any trip. I tend to pack more things I need in fact, and end up with carrying clothes I never put on me! There is another phobia kicking in which makes me to take yet another pair of trousers, yet another shirt, yet another jacket. What if I spill coffee on my shirt, huh? What if trouser's zip let go, huh? What if someone spills something on my jacket, huh? And at the end of the day I come back home with half of things never used! I guess I need some serious tutorials from YouTube!

I wonder if this time I will be able to overcome this phobia and pack light with only those things I know I will use for sure?

Hmmmm, knowing myself I somehow doubt it...Oh, never mind...Okey, let me go back to packing, while listening to the song with the same title as my predominant  emotions today...

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