Sunday, October 10, 2010

Common Ground

When I left Poland, first heading to Ireland for three months to improve on my English, then to Tanzania to work as a missionary, I felt as if the solid ground I was walking upon since my childhood was removed underneath my feet... This solid ground was my Polish world, customs, tradition, culture, language, everything that constituted the 'aquarium' I was accustomed to and grew up in...

I never felt as an outsider wherever I went, be it Ireland or Tanzania. I quickly discovered that the common ground which made me feel at home in foreign countries, was the Catholic faith, and especially - Catholic liturgy and art. This is the same discovery that was made by a retired fighter pilot from Squadron 303 in England during the Second World War, I was taking care of as a seminarian in Krakow, being it a part of our training in the seminary. He told me once, that he was homesick all the time in England, missing Poland and everything that comes with it... But whenever he crossed the threshold of any Catholic church in London or indeed - anywhere in England - he felt immediately at home. The same architecture, the same art, the same Latin language, the same liturgy and songs... He was at home...

This is precisely the same experience I had when I went to Ireland and then to Tanzania... Being a foreigner, I feel immediately at home wherever I go, providing there is a Catholic church, the tabernacle with the Most Holy Eucharist, a confessional and a living Catholic community... There may be this feeling of Polish tradition and culture being removed from underneath my feet, but below that national identity ground, there is more solid rock upon which it is safe to build ourselves, which is Christ and His Church... And that is why I feel at home everywhere in the world, if only a shadow of a Catholic church is cast upon my experience of that particular country I find myself in.

This is what I have been experiencing now, since I arrived to Canada. Being it the very first visit to North America, I have felt immediately at home, having been able to celebrate Holy Mass in the Catholic church and meeting a living community of Christ followers, no matter what ethnic background they have...

Last night I was invited by Tony to his apartment to watch a Habs game (which we luckily won, thank God!) with a friend of his. This male sporting event turned out to be an immensely interesting discussion about Catholic church, Catholic faith and the modern challenges issues that were very dear to our hearts. I enjoyed every moment of it. Not even my poor English language skills prevented me from enriching my soul and mind with what was on the agenda... The most amazing thing was that even if we had met for the very time in our lives last night, still the common agenda made us feel as if we were buddies for life...

This is amazing how important is to share what we believe as Catholics and what we are passionate about! Defending our faith, standing strong for the Church and the Magisterium, preaching by our lives - deeds and words - what we believe without any trace of shame and being sorry for who we are...

Thank you, Tony and Marco, for an unforgettable night. A true Small Christian Community meeting that enriched all of us and made us feel proud to be Catholics!


  1. Thank-you Father for an amazing conversation as well,..I consider it a blessing to have met you!

  2. I guess it's quite opposite - it has been a wonderful evening and enlightening as well... Great to make friends with you, guys!
