Thursday, December 30, 2010

'Giving birth is not as hard as raising a child'

The Tanzanian proverb quoted in the headline of this post comes handy and proves to be valid and true in times like these. The long-term effort to prepare institutions capable of providing good quality education and formation of our kids in Kiabakari and the area is a huge undertaking which has taken already a good chunk of my life, energy and resources...

The John Paul II Center for Education and Formation which will - when completed - consist of the Blessed Maria Teresa Ledochowska Pre-School, Blessed Edmund  Bojanowski Primary School, so-far-unnamed secondary school and Blessed Sister Celestine Homecraft School, has been an object of my dreams and nightmares for long already...

I have no idea if and when and how it will be completed and fully operational. What I know that I cannot afford to lose heart and get disenchanted with the whole project and numerous obstacles and problems I encounter along the way.

So many years have already passed since the idea was brought to my mind and soul. So far this year the pre-school started functioning. Today, in an hour time we will have a first meeting with parents of kids who want to join our primary school. The first grade class will open on February 7 (I need to finish the preparations of the classroom, office and the sanitary facilities with a reliable water supply first). And I must admit that - though mentally tired and stressed with this struggle to keep the construction of the center going - I am a very happy bunny at the end of the day...

Forty smiling and excited children will start the first grade in a few weeks time, in a facility with a standard which would be quite acceptable in Europe or North America. And with a growing interest in educational adoption, I hope to be able to provide high quality education and formation to underprivileged children from local community I serve.

Truly, kuzaa si kazi, kulea ni kazi! 'Giving birth is not as hard as raising a child'

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