Saturday, April 23, 2011

Patron Saint

Today, on April 23rd, the Holy Catholic Church, venerates in its liturgy St. Adalbert, archbishop and martyr, who is my Patron Saint. Adalbert is his baptismal name as he wanted to honor his tutor and mentor, bishop Albert, that's why he called himself Adalbert - Ad Albert - from Albert... In Poland and Czech Republic though we know him by his original, native name - Wojciech... meaning 'famous warrior'...

Although today is Holy Saturday and I cannot celebrate a Holy Mass in his honor, nevertheless I wish to honor him by this post and my private prayer. Someone gave him once his picture painted on a wooden plank and it stays with me always, displayed proudly near my desk in the office. This time though it's in the middle of the dining table with roses and other flowers I was presented by Carmelite Cloistered nuns the day before when I went to Bunda for their regular confessions...

In my heart and in my thoughts I travel today till Gniezno, Prague, Libice and the place of his martyrdom. Remembering vividly my pilgrimages to Gniezno and Prague where his relics are preserved and venerated. I travel also to St. Wojciech tiny church in Kraków's Main Square, one of my favorite churches of all times...

He is thought to be the author of the war-song, "Boga-Rodzica", which we, Poles, used to sing when going to battle. Without going into historical dispute if this is only a myth or a historical truth, nonetheless the song is wonderful, powerful and conveys a strong message of love and trust in Our Lady's protection...

Saint Wojciech, pray for us!

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