Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I Met An Angel

If there is one single God's creature that made my work of sowing a Word of God about Divine Mercy in Kiabakari in the hearts and souls of wonderful people of Puławy in Archdiocese of Lublin in Eastern Poland on last Sunday much easier and pleasant - it must have been the Angel of God in human form - Reverend Sister Irmina Syroka, the organist, cantor and choir master of Divine Mercy Parish in Puławy.

Sister Irmina in my humble opinion has the most sacred voice I have ever heard in my life. As if the Angel from heaven sang using her charisms and talents. I would easily placed her in the top spot in my personal ranking of all cantors and organ players in the whole world.

Bad enough, when I asked her about her recordings, Cds, DVDs - there were none. Such a humble and simple person full of Holy Spirit. I searched the internet and came up with few pictures and few YouTube videos with horrible quality which does not do justice to the purity and magnificence of Sister's voice.

Nevertheless, meet the Angel of God in the form of Sister Irmina Syroka of Benedictine Sisters congregation from Puławy Divine Mercy Parish.

If you happen to pass Puławy, make sure you participate in the Mass in that beautiful church.

Thank you, Holy Spirit, for your generous outpouring of Your special charisms in gifts in Christ's Church. Thank you for Sister Irmina and her humble apostolate of praising the Lord with her voice and organ playing.

I envy with holy envy parishioners of that parish who have such a gem on daily basis. What a different quality experience of Sacred Liturgy it is led by such a grand person.

Sister Irmina in the middle sitting

Sister Irmina sitting in the middle

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