Thursday, February 5, 2015

Winter Pilgrimage To Mariazell Shrine In Austria - Photos

Continuing with my recovery program after the surgery on January 13 this year, I am deeply grateful to my classmate and best friend - Fr. Wiesław, pastor of Ulmerfeld-Hausmenning-Neufurth parish in St. Pölten diocese in Austria, for his invitation to come for one week to his place to rest and visit our common friends, especially from the Mission Team. Yesterday I had opportunity to see Linz and the area with our dear friends - Maria, Herbert, Maria and Brigitte. Today another dear friend - Franz - took me to Mariazell for prayer and Holy Mass. I am so happy and grateful to him personally, to his wife Brigitte for a lovely welcome at their house, for breakfast and lunch and good chat, same as I was grateful to Fantastic Four yesterday on the way from Linz and in Maria's house. Here are some images I took on my mobile on the way, in and back from Mariazell. Austria is magnificent in winter! It is such a blessed time here in Ulmerfeld. Deo gratias! Thank you, Wiesiek! Thank you, Mission Team! God bless you much!

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