Tuesday, September 28, 2010


"Job opened his mouth and cursed his day." (Jb 3:1) These are the opening words of today's Liturgy of the Word. And, boy, how right and spot on he is today, on a miserable day, windy, low pressure, and a headache that makes me go ballistic, even after coffee and double panadol...aaaarghh....Geez, I kind of feel the same as Job today, cursing the day...

Anyway, I should stop whining and get down to work. Okey, let's talk about the message of today's Gospel (Luke 9:51-56).

"When the disciples James and John saw this they asked, "Lord, do you want us to call down fire from heaven to consume them?" Jesus turned and rebuked them, and they journeyed to another village."

Good heavens! How arrogant these guys were! Because the poor fellows refused to accept Jesus and his band in their village, those guys were really thinking of using God to vent their anger and destroy them! Making God an instrument of their arrogance, anger and frustration....

Are we that far away from them? Are we not arrogant ourselves in our prayers and ways of thinking, willing to use God to punish people who we are angry or frustrated with? I think we are sometimes...

The Gospel situation depicts very well our own life and the history of mankind. We like calling upon God to destroy others we don't like. We like to think that we are good and righteous and thus God is on our side and when I get angry with someone, God gets angry with him or her as well...

Sometimes destroying them completely, blowing them away with bombs, destroying their lives, ways of life, cultures, faiths, destroying them economically, politically, socially, you name it...

While doing this and calling God's name in vain, wanting Him to do our will and to aid our anger and hatred towards others, He makes the sun shine upon good and bad, He send down the rain upon the fields of good and bad, and while crucified on the Cross, He still sees the thirst of the whole humankind, is willing to forgive His oppressors and takes with Him a crucified thug who was a worthless piece of trash to anyone else...

Jesus turned and rebuked them...

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