Saturday, November 20, 2010

My King

Tomorrow is the Solemnity of Christ the King. Our King. The King of the Universe. The King of my own universe. The universe of my soul, my body and my mind. The King who is the Incarnated Divine Mercy. The KIng of Mercy. My King...

This is what Kiabakari is all about. Creating the Kingdom of the King of Mercy. This is what the mission statement of my long and patient quest in Kiabakari is all about:

Anyone approaching and ascending the Hill of the Divine Mercy must find Divine Mercy touching him/her in all aspects of his/her self – spiritually, physically and intellectually. Diocesan Shrine of Divine Mercy is the place where the human soul in particular is being immersed in the Ocean of Divine Mercy. The Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati Health Center will be the place where the human body and suffering will meet with Divine Mercy expressed in particular by the corporal deeds of mercy. John Paul II Center for Education and Formation will be the place where young minds will be formed on the basis of Divine Mercy. By these three major avenues which allow a human person meet Divine Mercy in fullest possible manner, the whole human being will be immersed and touched and transformed by the Living Merciful God.”

I will celebrate the Solemnity of the King of Mercy tomorrow in Polish-American parish of St. Hedwig in Trenton, NJ, with my body firmly placed at the altar of that church, but with my mind and heart reaching out to Kiabakari, my little place where I belong, the becoming little Kingdom of the King of Mercy. My King...


  1. May you be truly blessed on the Feast of Christ the King. You have covered a lot of territory since coming to U.S. I am glad that you got to Washington D.C. and New York - so many skyscappers and places of interest. You must have a wealth of knowledge of American life by now and yet I see you are beginning to yearn again for Kiabakari. You will have much to reflect on and the tranistion from there to Kiabakari is massive . What different lifestyles and cultures. I love your Mission Statement for Kiabakare - it is so holistic and all embracing - just like yourself. I hope your travels so far have been beneficial in helping to realise your dreams. We keep following your travel log and often think and pray for you. It hasn't all been joy and I think the episode in Stockton cast a bit of a shadow over your experiences yet we only see the shadows when the sun shines. It will be getting colder now in US but keep the sun shining inside yourself.
    Love of good wishes, Wojciech for the rest of your stay from all of the Daly folk

  2. Thank you, Lena, Tom and the clan for keeping me in your prayers. I cannot wait to go back home, to Kiabakari. I simply miss my place and my people. You can take all I've seen here, I don't dream about working here or living here. It is not that it is bad or something like that. It is simply NOT my place to be. And I just understood this clearly while being here.
