Wednesday, June 2, 2010


On Wednesdays I celebrate the Holy Mass with Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help. With head and heart heavy with various thoughts, intentions and worries, I knelt down in front of the icon of Our Lady and prayed in silence outpouring my heart to Our Lady asking for intercession and guidance.

When I finished the liturgy and took off vestments, I went back home to get ready for short hop to Zanaki Parish for today's deanery Mass which we are going to celebrate to mark the closing Year of Priests.

I was stopped in my tracks amazed at the God's revelation, I would say - Epiphany, when the heavy overcast heavens opened suddenly and I saw this (I had to rush home to get my camera so I could capture the moment)...

I guess you can take this sign as an answer to my worries? Or maybe a sign that answers will come the day and in the manner God Himself has already planned. I do hope so...

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