Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Handful Of Sand

"A handful of sand, thrown into the sea, is what sinning is, when compared to God’s Providence and mercy. Just like an abundant source of water is not impeded by a handful of dust, so does the Creator’s mercy not defeated by the sins of His creations." (St. Isaac the Syrian, The Ascetical Homilies, I, 51)

This is one of the famous quotes, and so much consoling, of this saint of  the Orthodox Church, knows as a theologian of God's love and mercy (read more on this topic here), whom I happened to known just recently and am still in the process of learning more, reading and getting to know him who deserves our keen attention, praise and veneration. I would suggest to google his name and go through texts you find there...

As we are celebrating today the Solemnity of two pillars of our Catholic Church, Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles, I just found myself thinking about this Orthodox Saint whose teaching and preaching had a flavor of early ecumenism, so to speak. And praying for the Church as she is now, I ask for God's infinite mercy and love for us sinners, so with hope in hearts we may start afresh with Christ, just as Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles, who - after were able to build their lives and apostolate anew on the ashes of their past mistakes and failures.


  1. All Peters, saint and 'regulars' together with all Pauls are in my fond prayers. :) but I do not wish them martyrdom necessarily...
