Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Last liturgical celebration this month, and indeed in this first half of 2010. Saint Patron feast in Nyamisisye Stand district of Kiabakari township. St. Peter, the Prince of Apostles is the Saint Patron of that area comprising of five Small Christian Communities. They all met together at our treasurer's house compound. A very well prepared place for the celebration of the Holy Mass and the following celebrations. I must admit I was very impressed and proud of 'The Children of St. Peter Apostle'.

In my short homiletic reflection I stressed two major characteristics of Petrine attitude that I urged my people to imitate in their daily lives. First is his steel resolve to stay with Jesus no matter what - 'Where shall we go?  You have the Words of eternal life!' And yet, when he badly failed to stay with his Master and betrayed Him three times in a matter of a couple of hours, he did not resorted to despair and extreme solution of his guilt flowing of hurt pride - suicide. He wept, repented, proclaimed his total love to Jesus three times and proved it on the cross on Vatican hill when time came to do so...

This is an example for us to follow. Refusal to leave Christ and follow other false prophets and Messiahs. And while following Him closely, when we stumble and fall, not to lose hope and despair in God's Mercy. To the contrary - we should rise and go back to the Master, weep, repent, accept His gaze of love and understanding...and confess that we still love Him...even more so...we love Him even stronger and truer because we learned from our own mistakes that in the fall there is no love, no peace, no nothing...

Jesus, I'm not going anywhere...I stay with You and follow You. But when I stumble and fall, give me strength to accept Your love and mercy, Your forgiveness and understanding...and the strength to forgive myself and to follow You with renewed faith, hope and love...It is not my faults that count...but my happy returns to Him...There is no need to ask Jesus to give me chance to prove my love and commitment to Him. The time for this will come, it is planned by Jesus already...Just like Peter who had his hour to prove his love in most extreme way...on the own private Vatican hill cross is waiting for is there...and the time will come I will prove that I love Him.

Or maybe I already did?....Or maybe there are more in store for me?...It doesn't matter...Just to be ready when the time comes...

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