Sunday, March 27, 2011

What You Have Said Is True

Still under deep impression of today's Gospel reading. Samaritan woman meeting Jesus. She presented herself in truth in the eyes of Jesus and earned His praise. He did not condemned her for inappropriate behavior, for having many husbands and for living in a relationship without valid marriage. He focused one her opening to Him in truth. The truth of a woman met the Truth Incarnate...

It is God alone who knows us in full truth. Even if I make an honest effort to open up myself to someone I love and trust completely, I cannot reveal myself in full truth, because I do not know myself in full truth, and the person I reveal the truth of myself cannot see me as God does. That person cannot see and read my thoughts and feelings, cannot see my past, my present and future... Only God does. That is why so crucially important to understand this once and for all - I cannot meet Living God unless I meet Him in full truth and readiness to open myself up completely to His light and grace and love...

So, why is that when we come to face God in prayer, or in sacrament of penance, we trying a stupid  trick of role playing? Trying to hide the truth about ourselves, trying to present ourselves to God in false light, or despising ourselves in order to force God to do something for us?

Oh, how I love and cherish those souls who come to confession to me, with broken heart, contrite heart, opening themselves up completely and trusting in God's mercy rather than despairing because of their poor spiritual or moral shape! And how much I dislike and pity those who come to boast to confession or try to hide sins and problems, using soft language and strange expressions to evade the full extent of their troubles, or simply do not go to lengths in finding the truth about themselves, confessing recklessly or superficially! Sometimes I think it is nothing but a genuine sin against the Holy Spirit which cannot be pardoned... because that person does not see the truth in front of the One who is Incarnated Truth in Jesus Christ... They just try to justify their behavior and weaknesses and get God's permission to continue on their path of self destruction...

If this Lent time passes without our genuine effort to find God and talk to Him in naked truth of ourselves, especially in the sacrament of reconciliation, I am afraid that we are going to waste this holy time and instead of seeking Living God who is the Truth, the Way and The Life, we will be just passing by God indifferently in silence without entering into serious conversation with Him who knows the answers for all the most important topics concerning our lives, our vocation and our salvation ...

We do not need pretend we are someone else in the presence of God, who knows us through and through, our past, present and future. We need to be open, frank completely and surrender ourselves in absolute truth to Him and let God enlighten our whole life and make it something worthy and beautiful as worthy and beautiful we are being His beloved children for whom He cares so much!

Happy Lent to everyone! I wish you a real thrill of meeting Living God in complete truth! There is no other way...

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