Sunday, August 7, 2011

Beyond Words

Prophet Elijah met with Living God face to face in a silent intimate encounter. He walked forty days and nights to reach the sacred meeting point... When he finally met with God, he did not need to say anything. His meeting happened beyond words...on a level where only pure Love and ecstasy lives...
Christ detached Himself so many times - as we read in Gospels - from His disciples and the noise of daily life,and prayed alone...

We are soaked in the noise of the world...voices and sounds are everywhere in and outside of such extent that we abhor silence...the silence terrifies us and scares the living daylights out of us...
But only in sacred silence God dwells and is ready to be touched by us... In the sacred silence of the the sacred silence of contemplative prayer which crosses the land of words and clutter and abandons us in the Presence of Love - God Himself...

I vehemently dislike ideas of playing instrumental music during adoration as some priests and religious like to do. This is so wrong in my humble opinion! This is a clear sign they are scared of silence and are unable to be led into the total silence which reveals the Presence of Living God and exposes us to the truth about ourselves...

When two lovers meet, the most important thing is their togetherness...this is what they always declare in their letters, emails, calls and messages - I miss you!!!

They don't need words, they are on a totally different level, where love meets and unites with other love, where being together means so much more than even the most beautiful words...being together, looking at each other with burning love and passion, the whole experience of 'the presence of the loved one' - this is what really matters!

This is what is lacking in spiritual lives of so many... 'The Elijah Factor'...

So what if we see people adoring in churches or visiting the Blessed Sacrament, when those adoration chapels are full of prayer books, people recite litanies and rosaries... Yes, this kind of prayer life and piety is important, but this is not beyond words, it is still the pious noise...

Come to meet God alone, naked, silent, voiceless, overwhelmed by His Presence and Infinite Love. You don't have to speak, explain, plead, excuse yourself... What for? Just stand in front of Him and contemplate His Face with your own love, with your own heart and your own body and soul...where everything that is you whispers to Him - I love You...

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