Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Holy Firefighter

On May 4 the Church celebrates the liturgical commemoration of one of the ancient Saints, but very modernly revered particularly in my home town - Kraków. Saint Florian. A military commander in charge of organizing firefighters' brigades. Refused to denounce Christian faith, tortured, set alight and at the end - drowned in a river with a stone tightened to his neck...

One of the most famous churches in Kraków is dedicated to Saint Florian. Blessed John Paul II worked in this church for two years (1949-1951) as a vicar. When he was pope, he raised the church to the dignity of the lesser basilica in 1999.

Saint Florian is dear to my heart. Not only because I come from Kraków. But also because I am blessed with a friendship with someone who bears his name. Florian Ludovick Kaija, a talented Tanzanian artist (painter - some of his works can be found here) from Dar es Salaam, choir master, human being and Christian. Great man. I am honored to be among his friends.

He inherited the spirit of Saint Florian - lighting in our hearts fire of love, admiration and awe for the beauty of God's creation and quenching our thirst for great art which he creates himself...

Today is the feast of his Patron Saint. Please, say a prayer for him and his lovely family.

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