Thursday, May 19, 2011

Quasimodo of Kiabakari

For a long period of time now, I meet an incarnation of Quasimodo of Notre-Dame in the church bell tower of the shrine. Whenever I go up to the shrine to ring the bell before the morning Mass, he is there, sitting high on the rail of the flight of stairs leading up to the bell, motionless and staring at me from above, as if making sure my ringing is up to standard. The thundering sound of the bell does not bother him at all as he sits and stares down, fully composed and focused on what I do...

In many African traditional religions and popular beliefs, an owl is an incarnation of a witchcraft doctor and is feared immensely. Even my sisters when I told them about the presence of an owl in the bell tower, they were reluctant to go and look up, feeling uncomfortable... Yes, it may be so, as you find this bird with human-like features, and a head resembling human head...

Meet Quasimodo of Kiabakari...

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