Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Anticipation creeping in in bucket loads. Tomorrow it will be Kiabakari parish turn to welcome the Jubilee Cross in its boundaries. The strong representation of the parish will go to Butiama to participate in the farewell Mass in the parochial church there. At the end of the Mass Butiama will hand over the Jubilee Cross to us. The seventeen days journey of the Cross through all corners of the parish will begin...

It has been a hectic time for the past few weeks as we were going through numerous meetings on various levels, planning everything in details. Of course, I am well too aware that there will always be omissions, mistakes, overlooked things, but all in all I feel kind of satisfied and content with what we have been able to accomplish. As the last evening and last night approaches before the tomorrow's Mass in Butiama, so the anticipation of the whole experience...

This evening there will be last meeting with altar servers and the Holy Childhood members. We will plan for every liturgical service, allocate altar servers according to the roster. We will talk with the children from the Holy Childhood about the inculturation elements of the liturgy during the peregrination of the Cross. Also, we - with the help of the pastoral sisters and parishioners - will finalize cleaning of the church and its surroundings, decorate as best as we can and set everything ready for tomorrow.

Yours prayers are much appreciated for the success of the peregrination of the Cross in our parish. We ask you to pray for truly lasting effects of this spiritual experience, for its longterm fruit in our lives. We will pray for you, as I do always.

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