Thursday, June 9, 2011

Taking It Easy

I used to commit the same crime in regards to dealing with malaria. Forgetting that the motto of this beautiful land, so many times heard and repeated - 'Haraka haraka haina baraka' (there is no God's blessing in haste) or 'Pole pole ndio mwendo' (Going slow is the right speed), is full of wisdom and maternal care of Mother-Africa, reminding me to take it easy and go slow when needed. Just like now when I got hit again by malaria and - frankly saying - should be firmly lying in bed, taking it easy and letting drugs to do the job and the body to regain the full strength...But...

Yes, there is always 'but'...

Being alone in the mission means everything almost depends on me, my health and readiness to tackle whatever life, people, circumstances, new challenges throw at me, thus disabling me from taking it easy when sick. So, instead of resting and recovering slowly, to give the body needed time to lick its wounds, I used to work as usual, never going to bed, being on medication and going about the business as usual.

This plain recklessness and idiocy makes me pay dearly as I tend to fall sick again and again in short intervals, because I never allow my aging body to recover fully. And I never get the message, it seems, because I always repeat to myself that - when I get sick again, I will rest and take it easy - in fact, forgetting about the resolution and repeating the same mistake - working, working, working...

At the same time my neighbors take it easy, being wiser than me, apparently. Malaria is a serious disease and people understand this perfectly. That is why they take it easy, resting and allowing their system to get rid of parasites 'pole pole' (slowly)... You will see people recovering from malaria the full week or longer, while I force myself to work while sick...

Today I decided to write this post to put a firm reminder for myself. To take it easy when I'm sick. It is not only for my benefit, but also for my parish and its institutions as the days of being sick will decrease in fact once I get over the sickness slowly and thoroughly...

So, I made a resolution to stay home today after the morning Mass and to postpone any business planned for today that would require me driving or going places. Reading a nice book, listening to music, watching some movies brought by Mare & Mare, waiting for them to come back from school for lunch (today's menu - cooked bananas, cooked tilapia fish, greens, beans, mixed fruit salad and mixed fresh juice) and late afternoon together, the dinner, nice chat, enjoying our small but wonderful community...

Something to tune along with my mood this morning...

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