Saturday, June 25, 2011

Out Of Range

Through with the hectic day, as Saturdays in Kiabakari tend to be. Falling into subdued mode of reflecting upon the Gospel of tomorrow's Solemnity of Corpus Christi and Gospel read at four altars. I've just finished putting cosmetic changes to my homily I will preach on Thursday during the Holy Mass of handover of the Jubilee Cross at Butiama parochial church, coming to Kiabakari for 17-day journey through our Small Christian Communities in Kiabakari and all outstations. As my mind went into mental journey itself for the past three or four hours thinking, praying and rethinking what flowed into my soul during that mediation, I traveled throughout the whole world, beginning right here in our area and covering all continents, oceans, seas and sky...

Looking at the reality of our human existence and our habitat through the Passion of Christ and His Resurrection, through His Wounds and His Sacred Heart, what we have done with ourselves and with others, what we did with our home, I switched on Roger Waters live concert - In the Flesh and played selected songs which corresponded a bit with my mood and reflections - especially It's a Miracle, Amused to Death and The Bravery of Being Out of Range...

It may seem a strange combination but the bitter sarcasm of lyrics of Roger Waters I translate into optimism and hope in the saving power of Love and Mercy of Christ... into my hopeful gaze towards heavens when I'm stuck in mud and helplessness...

At the end of the day, my heart goes to the inscription at the base of the altar cross at Musoma Cathedral which reads: Ave Crux, Spes Unica!

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