Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Ordnung Muss Sein

The first two weeks after my return to Kiabakari were a bit stressful and overwhelming. The calmness returns finally and things look like they fall in proper places, with everybody busy in their field of responsibility. Denise and Thomas in the school, Agata and Zuza in the health center, working on the project. Myself busy with craftsmen and construction workers at the health center, the school and at home.
We meet at the table mainly, for meals and sometimes in the evening for a chat or to watch something - a movie, news on TV or a concert on DVD.
Dust settled down, calm restored, sense of purpose, sense of belonging, sense of responsibility of each one of us. There is time for everything now. Prayer, work, rest, moments together and seclusion. 
This is the way I like things to be. Ordnung muss sein!

Just a few quick photos taken today from my construction frontline. 

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