Wednesday, November 2, 2011


It has become increasingly difficult for me to find a motivation to continue with regular posting on this blog. It is not that I lost things to share with you or that my life and service has ran aground. It is rather a matter pf a question - why should I continue with writing these things? A motivation, a purpose, a reason... I feel I need some time to get off a public life and think everything over anew. I will come back when (or if) I find a satisfying answer. Take care!


  1. I understand Wojciech - it is hard to keep presenting yourself(and it is often quite personal material) to the public gallery. However I loved to hear about your work and the happenings in Kiabakari, but at the end of the day it was like your personal diary and you were sharing that with everyone . Not an easy task to keep up. But I do think it is worth keeping some kind of record of your mission there with the ups and downs of everyday life as a missionary as it is quite a revelation to the uninitiated. God bless and keep you in good health and spirits. With you all the way no matter what you decide to do.Lots and lots of love Lena

  2. Thank you, Lena and Ben. I do appreciate your kind remarks.
