Friday, May 23, 2014

In His Heart

What an incredible encounter it was. Having an unique opportunity to pay visit to His Eminence Franciszek Cardinal Macharski, Archbishop Emeritus of Kraków, in his simple residence in the compound of "Ecce Homo" Shrine under care of Albertine Sisters, to celebrate the Holy Mass together, to have a long and lovely chat over a cup of coffee and a cake.

Polish President Bronisław Komorowski and H.E. Cardinal Macharski (more on this story here)
In my twenty six years of priesthood it was the very first time that I was a main celebrant in the Mass with His Eminence participating. A genuinely overwhelming honor.

Cardinal Francis seemed to be happy that I paid him a visit after a couple of years since my last one. Inspite of his fatigue due to his age, he was very generous to spend so much time with me (more than an hour), asking questions and offering witty remarks. He has not lost his cute sense of humor. So great to see him in such a great form and spirits.

I loved one detail in particular. His Eminence wore today a light blue clerical shirt (today is very hot in Kraków, over 30 C) with Kraków City emblem on his breast pocket. Apparently, our city is deep in his heart. And in his seclusion and silence of 'Ecce Homo' shrine, he prays for the city and all the people. He has all of us in his fatherly heart. Such a great man! He loves his city, he loves his people and cares for us. And in return, we love him!

Kraków City Logo

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