Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Impact

As I suggested in my yesterday’s post, it’s time to gather together thoughts and reflections on what we have witnessed during the peregrination of the Holy Cross of the Centenary of Christianity Jubilee in Diocese of Musoma so far…

The very first thing that showed itself clearly was the seriousness of the preparations in all levels in the parish before the day we received the Cross from Butiama last Thursday. Our preparations took long time, many meetings, decision making process, involvement of all stakeholders in this holy event. I would like to commend especially preparations in the districts of Kiabakari township in the first place, which immediately showed itself while the Cross was and still is there, visiting all six districts of Kiabakari. I hope the same level of preparations and commitment will be seen in all outstations of our parish as the Cross will bid farewell to the last district tomorrow afternoon and begin to visit outstations.

Apart from the district communities, I wish to applaud the catechists’ council of the parish and in particular, the evangelizing team of five catechist (the best ones, with diplomas from various catechetical colleges in the country) who were chosen for the task of evangelizing, preaching and leading the prayer services during the visitation of the Cross in every district and outstation. We had a special seminar and prepared a detailed program with texts of spiritual talks that they would preach during the night vigils in each location. And this has been the case. The painstaking preparations of our catechists pay off handsomely as the faithful have been very pleased with their performance and the level of teachings and their professional commitment. Well done, Raphael, Constantine, Lucas, Yohana and Ernest!

The other three groups which I am pleased with so far are altar servers, choirs and the Holy Childhood, present everywhere, during the processions from one place to the other, during celebrations, night vigils etc. So far their commitment is excellent!

The second thing is the living faith and lively participation of the faithful in the parish, from the very first day. In times when we say a lot about being ashamed of the public proclamation of Catholic faith, my impression was quite contrary! My people have been proud to participate in the processions, carrying the Cross, taking part in night vigils, home visitations of the Cross in Small Christian Communities and during the concluding Mass every day in the afternoon.

The third impact of the Holy Cross in our parish – from the very first day – is the number of people coming to the Sacrament of the Reconciliation. It positively surprised me, as the number so far is bigger than during the Holy Week. I heard confessions on the first three days for hours. And I do so still every day before the Holy Mass in the afternoon. This is the most important sign of the real spiritual value and impact of the peregrination of the Holy Cross in the parish. This proves to me that it was worth it to get down to serious preparations, homilies, encouragements, meetings. Apart from baptisms of infants and small children and several weddings in the district communities, the confessions remain the most significant prove of the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of my people. The question remains and the pastoral challenge is set for us to make sure that these seeds of God’s blessings and graces bear fruit, long term fruit and salvation…

As far as my personal commitment to the pilgrimage of the Jubilee Cross in the parish is concerned, I noticed that there was a two-fold impact of the event on me. First, spiritual. The second, physical and psychological. Abnormal permanent tiredness and feelings of being sick, which is not the case, as I am ok. This forces me to use extra inner powers to overcome myself and not to give in to this condition.

The second impact – spiritual and psychological: the feelings of depression and despair. And again, this comes from outside and is not normal. As if I identify myself with Christ on the Cross in His abandonment… The state of mind which sees darkness and no answers to numerous questions. Feelings of loneliness and despair. Feelings of giving up on my dreams and visions… In this state of mind, my spirit desperately longs for God’s consolation and encouragement. I pray yet the Heaven keeps silent. I hope but this hope is like a silk thread, very vulnerable…

It all seems as a very mild version of what Christ has gone through in His Passion, Cross and Resurrection… Still, as I am just a fragile human being and I’m only myself, it feels pretty horrible… But, so be it, if it only helps a greater cause…

The only relief I get is when kissing Christ’s feet on the Cross…

I guess, spending myself so Christ may grow in the hearts and lives of my people is what goes on these days… And I am happy that this happen as it would terrible if nothing happened during the visit of the Cross in our parish…

Ave Crux, Spes Unica!

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