Saturday, July 30, 2011

No Need

The Gospel of the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A) narrates one of the miracles of Jesus of multiplying bread and fish in the wilderness. The disciples wanted to send the crowd away to look after their food. But "Jesus said to them, “There is no need for them to go away; give them some food yourselves.""(Mt 14)...

Then, upon hearing their excuse that there is not enough food (read: they didn't want to share their food with others), he ordered them to bring to Him whatever little they had. The leftovers of the distributed food filled twelve baskets...

Someone wrote once that the real miracle of Jesus was not in the multiplying of bread but but giving them example of sharing whatever little He had in His hands with other, He made them think and feel remorse and open up their own bags and take out the food they had hidden in there, as they were not willing to share with neighbors... Jesus' example paved the way to the change of their hearts and the decision to follow Him in sharing with others what everyone had in their disposal...

I'm not sure if this is really what happened there, but I think the hardest substance on the face of the earth to work on is not a raw diamond but a human heart. It can be so hardened that nothing will break it and turn it into heart full of compassion...

Our planet Earth has enough resources for everyone. There is enough food and water for everyone to never go hungry. As someone pointed out, the scare that is presented to us that we are too many in the world, that we should promote abortion, small families, promote birth control in developing countries, all this is a big lie. Of course, we should use our brains and take care of our own families and children under circumstances, but there is enough of resources for every person on the face of the earth to live in dignity and never go to bed hungry...

Then again, another person wrote once, that if we put all the world population together in one place, all houses that would contain all people on earth would cover the area of the country of Peru only. Imagine that!

'Give them some food YOURSELVES' - this is what Jesus tells us in this Sunday Gospel. If there is anyone who will go to bed tonight hungry, it is our fault. Our fault only. We have created this situation, with  these First, Second and Third World, whereas there is only One God and one world He created for one family of His children.

But we are unwilling to share and if we share we do not do this on permanent basis, creating just structure and just distribution of world wealth...

"Give them some food YOURSELVES'... This is what Jesus tells us today. Think about it. Hear His voice. And open up your bag to share with your neighbors....

Have a blessed Sunday! Praying for all of you and for all intentions dear to your hearts!

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