Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Switching Focus

Time to switch my focus now. MM on their way back home after fruitful and intense two months in Kiabakari, and I have three weeks left before leaving Kiabakari for six weeks trip to Poland, to hospital, to family, friends and business matters. As it has been always before leaving the mission, some tough days ahead of planning and making sure the parish stays safe and everything is going well when I am away.

I have secured replacements for Sunday Masses and Fridays also (I'm grateful to my fellow priests who agreed to help me with this). The rest should be dealt with accordingly, and with my personal secretary/manager taking over the daily duties and responsibilities, I have all reasons to be positive and confident things will go smoothly, God willing.

Today is the first day to go through my papers I want to take with me. I have bought already air ticket to Dublin, where I will go visiting for a few days. An invitation came in by sms from my cousin just a while ago for a wedding Mass of her daughter, so this is another important agenda on my holiday's to-do list. Some points on the list are known and planned already, the rest will get filled as we move closer to the day of departure.

This afternoon I will have meeting with an executive committee of the lay parish council to set things right when I am away. The parochial office is dealt with and up to date with all baptisms and marriages registered correctly sand certificates issued, signed and stamped.

Bills, salaries, things to take care of will be next on my agenda to make sure parochial staff work and get remunerated on time. Yeah, the list of things to do and to take care of before I leave is ten times longer that things to do while I am home in Poland.

In times like this I dream of being an assistant parish priest or a priest without any parish or institution to be responsible for...

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