Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Reading Carefully The Signs Of This Time

As we travel along the Advent paths, cutting through the thick of our problems, weaknesses, vortexes, to get to Jesus and allow Him to come to us freely with full saving, cleansing, merciful power, I find myself focusing more and more on careful reading and decoding of the signs of this time, they it unfolds events and challenges right here in my own little corner of the world...

The Most Holy Trinity at work in three-dimensional pattern. And myself, a poor worm in the Lord's vineyard, trying my best to address the challenges of God's activity at this time...

Spiritual and pastoral responsibilities of Advent season mixed with ongoing intensive work in the educational and medical fields - preparing ways to follow in the next year for the benefit of my people in Kiabakari, writing and submitting various projects which, I believe strongly, if accepted and funded, will improve immensely our effective translation of Divine Mercy message in real life terms, embracing the whole human person in Kiabakari in Divine Mercy - spiritually, intellectually and corporally...

I ask all of you, my dear friends of this blog, to kindly say a prayer for us here and for the successful cooperation with God's grace in all three dimensions of His Divine care for the people of God in Kiabakari... Rest assured that we pray for all of you as well here all the time...

Blessed Advent to all!!!

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