Saturday, December 3, 2011


It has been an action packed, blessings loaded period of my life in Kiabakari. The challenges of the past two months kept away somehow from blogging. And now as I try to wind down the rollercoaster of high emotions, stresses and withdraw a bit from the thick of the past matters and to focus firmly on Advent invitation of St. John Baptist to open up avenues for the coming Lord to our souls and hearts - I recall with immense gratitude the Lord's generosity and firm help He gave us all here in Kiabakari as we pursued simultaneously various projects at the same time. Our Foundation Kiabakari volunteers' project 'Perfect Health' supervised skillfully by our volunteer Agata (the project has been a success so far and I am amazed how mature, calm and dedicated Agata has been for the past two months) intertwined with the construction of the second classroom at our primary school with desks and chairs and school books for the standard one and teo students (books were purchased owing to the educational adoption program supported generously by people of tender hearts from Poland, Canada, USA, Croatia and Slovenia). Apart from this, it was a time to work on new development projects in Kiabakari, the construction of a bathroom needed in one of the guest rooms. All this happening while working spiritually and pastorally in the parish...

Truly, the Lord has blessed us greatly and led us safely through all these challenges up till now. What I feel I need to do is to kneel down in front of the tabernacle and with all my grateful heart to tell the Lord - 'Thank You, Jesus! Praised be Your Holy Name!'

I know too well that the Lord works through people. I embrace all my friends and benefactors who made all this possible and keep my spirits high with a grateful hug and want to tell you that I appreciate everything you do for us here in Kiabakari and especially for the little ones and the sick. Thank you so much! May the Merciful Lord grant you peace, health, faith, happiness and prosperity in the Holy Spirit...

Happy and truly blessed Advent to you all, my friends and supporters! God bless us all!

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