Saturday, January 7, 2012

Connected Vessels

Solemnity of Epiphany we celebrated yesterday gave me a lot to think about which I shared with my community during the homily of the Holy Mass last evening. Jesus gave Himself totally to us. And He proved His unconditional love to us on the Cross and in the Mystery of the Eucharist. What kind of passionate love is this to not only abandon His divine glory becoming a man like us, but going even further - abandoning His humanity becoming a Bread preserved in tabernacles across the world, most of the time left alone, visited only from time to time by few and during the liturgical celebrations in our churches...

And what was that exactly that we gave Him in return last year? The wisemen opened their treasures and gave what they had best - gold, frankincense and myrrh. What about me? What did I have to offer my Lord who gave Himself totally to me and for me?

I asked myself also what He expects from us, the present generation of 'wiremen' coming to worship Him at the Bethlehem crib? Those wisemen represented the nations of the time of biblical Jesus. We represent nations of our times. It is our time to take their place and open up our treasure for Him. And what is that exactly that we have to offer? Or, maybe we should ask ourselves - are we considering even the thought of the very opening of our treasuries as repulsive, awkward, challenging and threatening our wealth?

I am not sure if the Lord needs any of these - gold, frankincense or myrrh. I think we need to kneel down and ask Him first - what He would like us to offer Him instead? Maybe it would be something we never give Him or are reluctant to offer? Maybe this is a generous time for daily prayers? A time for Sunday Mass? A time for the prayer meeting of our Small Christian Communities? A caring thought of the sick in our neighborhood? An offering for the betterment of the parochial church? My talents that lie neglected and hidden selfishly, which cry for sharing with others in apostolic movements, organizations and associations in our parishes and neighborhoods? What is this that we are not willing to do for the Lord and His people? If we decide to change and to open up completely to Him and His people, this would be the best gift of all for the Lord...

I want to be like connected vessels with my Lord. The more I give myself to the Lord and His Church, His people, the more I make space for Him in me to fill me with His presence, love, life and light... Just like St. John Evangelist writes in his Gospel: 'He must increase, I must decrease' (Jn 3:30)

This is the best thing that can ever happen to me - to disappear completely in the merge with Him...the become one with Him...forever...for now and for the whole eternity...

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