Monday, August 1, 2011

17 Hours

At exactly the same moment I started to write this post, the alarm siren sounded in Poland marking the 67th anniversary of Warsaw Uprising, its beginning at 5pm on that August 1st afternoon in occupied Warsaw. I have written on this topic last year on the same date (read it here), so no need to repeat what I have written already...
The first day of the new month has been a mixture of different things to do. I came back from Musoma a while ago, tough day with low pressure, not a good weather for busy schedule. Bidding farewell to Fr. Andrzej Duda, CR, an assistant parish priest in Butiama who moves to Kahangala to start a noviciate for their congregation. Meeting fellow Polish missionaries for lunch in Musoma, sharing what has happened in our lives and pastoral duties in the past few weeks.

Now waiting for electricity to come back, running on my laptop battery. Thinking about the upcoming travel to Poland and feeling arising spiritual need to make my personal pilgrimage to Blessed John Paul II tomb in the Vatican Basilica. I feel I need it very much, to present to the Holy Father all that is weighing heavily on my heart and mind...

I have never felt so badly the need of taking off for a few weeks. Feeling tired mentally and burnt out a bit. Hoping for renewal, regaining the grip on things and rekindling the power to push forward in me...

I will appreciate very much your kind prayers for Kiabakari, all in and around it, and for me too. Thank you in advance for your kindness.

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