Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Some Things

A very close friend of mine sent me a message in the wee hours of the day, asking if he was correct by meditating on Christ's Passion while reciting Divine Mercy chaplet (he explained what he meant by this). His message prompted me to look deeper into the Passion of Christ and to offer a broader perspective, writing to him that Christ's Passion is much more about spiritual and psychological torture and suffering, than the physical one only. So, I continued with the meditation on the Passion and pinpointing the crucial elements of the spiritual and psychological dimensions of Christ's Passion. While doing so, I found this page, which drew my attention, though a bit off the topic but the last paragraph of the text in that link speaks volumes about my point. By the way, what I read in that link somehow correlates with my feelings when I denied at first watching the movie, only later only reluctantly doing so, as I never was and never will be a fan of biblical movies. They force, in my opinion, a certain angle of the director of the movie into my imagination, denying me my freedom to visualize the Bible content in my own way and my own sensitivity, based on what I read and reflect upon in the spiritual reading.

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