Sunday, July 17, 2011

Who Is Who

The seventeen day long peregrination of the Jubilee Cross in my mission cast a divine light on my understanding of the parochial community. This unique experience has become like an opening of a book of life held in God's hands in which He allowed me to have a good look. The Cross has brought out what was hidden in people, good and bad. To me, this period has become nothing less than a reenactment of - or if you will - a reliving of the Paschal Triduum, where each one of us personified someone from the main actors of that traumatic time in Jerusalem... The Jubilee Cross showed us who is who in Kiabakari parish...

Some of people turned out to be Judas right away, some apostles fleeing from the Cross. Some became like Simon of Cyrene, some like Veronica helping in any way possible. Some, very close to me, turned out to be like Roman soldiers going after gifts and money only, not helping me with a single finger, only thinking of themselves... Some were like Pilate and Herod, washing hands of any involvement in the preparations and the actual realization of the program, only judging from outside and criticizing. Others were like Our Lady and John, I could count on them always, any time, anywhere. Others were mob on the way to Calvary, drunken and coming to disrupt the night vigils in our communities, and they were supposed to be a Catholics in good standing in the community... Some, who were condemned by people as useless, hopeless, people who were destined for hell because of the way they lived, came out to be sudden revelation and helpers, converting and giving fantastic service...

Each one of us reacted to the presence of the Cross in our midst in the genuine way, revealing what was truly inside of us. The Cross told me who is who in my parish. And now I know how God looks at us from the elevation of His Cross... Everyone in the parish stated clearly during the peregrination of the Cross who she or he was in fact - in the eyes of God. Some of these revelations were disturbing to me and depressing, some elevating and surprising positively...

Now I know who is pure grain and who is weed. The Lord told us in today's Gospel to leave everyone till the day of harvest. So I leave all in His Mercy, praying for all and tending to all. Hoping the weed can miraculously turn into grain through the power of Divine Mercy. Nothing is over till it's over and God says so...

Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to have a look into your book of Who Is Who in Kiabakari Parish!

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