Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Sitting in the Julius Nyerere International Airport lounge, right after check-in, which went surprisingly efficiently and quickly... Still an hour plus before boarding time. I decided to take out my laptop and do some reading and writing. Then, suddenly, I reminisced a funny episode, when I flew last time from Warsaw to Dar es Salaam via Zurich... This made me chuckle to myself which caused a few raised eyebrows around me...

Back then, in late March this year, when I was coming back from Poland, after my emergency trip for medical assistance, after a night spent in Zurich airport day-rooms, I was seated right next to the gate I was supposed to go through to board a plane to Dar. There were two Tanzanians seated next to me, oblivious of the fact that I know Swahili language. They were sharing some remarks concerning their visit and business in Europe, in Switzerland in particular.

There were several Swiss aircraft parked at gates.

One of my neighbors looked at them, pointed to them with his hand and said to his companion, shaking his head in visible awe and amazement: 'Hebu, tazama! Nchii hii hakika imeshika sana dini ya kikristo! Wanaweka msalaba hata kwenye ndege zao!' meaning 'Look! This country surely keeps Christian faith strongly! They put cross even on their aircraft!'

Oh, how I wished his simple, innocent words were prophetic for the whole of secularized Europe.


  1. I have been travelling with you and what a voyage it has been. Hope you have arrived in Poland by now. Thank you very much for the internet version of your DVD - it was superb. Not only will it be good for fundraising but also as a great tool for evanglisation. You have so many voices on it not to mention your own personal story of Divine Mercy in your own life. I found your blog on ' Misfits ' quite intriguing. The sense of 'belonging' and ' not belonging' - multiple identities and yet all in one person or rather a hybrid person of many parts! I hope St.Christopher will send you a new vehicle as that old banger you have is well past its'sell by date'. Enjoy your stay in Poland and I hope the adjustment will not be too difficult.

  2. Arrived safely home, enjoying being together with Dad, relatives and friends. Medical checkup on the list for today and tomorrow plus a whole bunch of meetings with different people. My books is ready, can't wait to see it today or tomorrow...
