Wednesday, May 18, 2011

On The Mountain

On the Mount Carmel today. Happy coincidence that I was unable to go to the Carmel in Bunda last Saturday afternoon on my way back from Mwanza to Kiabakari. Today is the birthday of Blessed John Paul II. And having opportunity to celebrate the Holy Mass on top of Mount Carmel through his intercession on his birthday, in the month of May, the month of Our Lady, on Wednesday - the day of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, was a truly happy coincidence...

The Carmelite Cloistered nuns in Bunda Carmel asked me to celebrate the thanksgiving Mass in the anticipation of my 23rd anniversary of priesthood, coming this Sunday, on May 22. So, after the regular confessions, I proceeded with the Holy Mass for the Carmelite nuns and Dimesse Sisters who built their convent in a short distance from the Carmel and joined us for the liturgy today.

The altar of the Carmel chapel (picture from my archives)

It was a great feeling to be there and to land a huge sack of worries, stresses, frustrations, petitions, hopes and intentions, not only mine, but also of everyone whom I promised my prayers - at the feet of Our Lady. I felt so much relieved driving back from Bunda to Kiabakari as if I was flying, not rolling...

The sisters were very happy to be together for the Mass, apparently my homily impressed them too. It was totally spontaneous, coming out of my heart rather than mind... Talking about Our Lady and the way She gave us an important lesson at the wedding of Cana how to approach Jesus when we have a problem and the prerogative of staying absolutely open for His response - in whatever shape and in whatever timing it may come...

After the Mass we gathered in the parlour as usual and then sisters surprised me with a huge bunch of wonderful roses they grow in their own garden, a beautiful hand-made chasuble with pictures of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and Jesus, the King of Mercy, and a huge ripe papaya fruit. We had a nice chat, sharing what has happened in the last couple of weeks, then I gave them my blessing as usual. I bought a tray of eggs as they rear chicken, and ten medium size but stout white candles as the anticipatory move before the major power cut scheme starts this week, when the government told us that it would be like 16 hours of power cuts daily! So candle lit dinner will be a normalcy, I guess, from now on!

Sisters are very unhappy if I leave the Carmel without having something before I go. So I went to the guest room and had a light lunch they prepared for me along with assorted cookies, which I wrapped in napkins and brought back home for my home mates - Aurelia, Amon and painters who are finishing painting the compound.

The electricity is gone since morning, sun in full blast, difficult to concentrate on some intellectual work. So I decided to pen down these few lines to share with you and the afternoon will use for accompanying workers in their duties and for reading.

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