Friday, April 22, 2011


On Good Friday Novena before the Divine Mercy Sunday begins. In just an hour or so I, together with my parochial community, will celebrate the Liturgy of the Passion of the Christ, during which, as it has become a custom in Kiabakari, we will say prayers and Divine Mercy chaplet for the first day of the Novena...

Just a few minutes ago I printed the intentions of my personal Novena for this year. These intentions will stay in my breviary till Good Friday of 2012 as the intentions for the Novena become automatically leading intentions, or rather I should say - my personal habitual intentions for every prayer, liturgical service, Holy Masses and all good deeds and sufferings I will go through in the next twelve months...

Intentions printed and securely placed in the breviary, I will go to the shrine in an hour time to get ready for the Sacred Liturgy of Good Friday, immersing in Divine Mercy Ocean all intentions for the Novena and for the whole year till next Good Friday. I've ben doing this for the last several years and am witness to the power of Divine Mercy as God responds in due time and in a manner fitting to His love and kindness to us...

I will pray for all of you too! Happy Novena and may Merciful Lord answer all your worthy prayers and intentions!


  1. By the time you read this comment dear Wojciech it will be very near Easter Sunday so I wish you a reallly joyous, peaceful and spirit-filled newness of life. I have been reflecting on your Holy Week blogs and was especially touched by the one on judas . I don't think many people have the insight you shared - we all just condemn Judas but your reflection gave the story a whole new meaning and context for me . Thank you .I also loved the pictures of Palm Sunday they were great - it was like a moving forest so one really got the message of a big welcome. Thank you kindly for remembering us all on Holy Thursday. I went to the Mass of Chrism in our cathedral and I prayed very specially for you at that Mass as we celebrated the gift of priesthood.Tomorrow night we will have the Easter Vigil and again you will have a special place in my heart and prayers. Yes we have started the Divine Mercy novena here too so isn't it amazing how close our shared faith brings us to each other despite the thousands of miles distance between us. May Christ easter in you -'immortal diamond'. Easter baskets full of love and good wishes from all the Daly clan.xxxxx

  2. Thank you so much, Lena! Easter Sunday and Monday usually are lonely days for me as I go around the parish celebrating Easter Liturgy in outstations while at home there is no one as everybody is on holiday's leave till Tuesday after Easter. But I prefer it this way, so my people can rest and enjoy the family company, while I'm at work and returning in the afternoon from 'work' there is not much will to celebrate left.

    Praying for you, Lena, Tom and the clan. Wishing you blessed Easter in the companion of the Risen Lord and your beloved. Regards and heartfelt Easter greetings and wishes to all friends in Emerald Island. xxx
