Saturday, May 22, 2010

What a wonderful day today...So grateful to God and people who surround me. It was all about celebrating love and friendship, as I am so much aware how much I owe to all of you, who God put on purpose, and by no means - by chance - on my path of life. You continue to teach me, formate me, shape me and make me so much more than I am. Thank you for being there with me when I needed you and always...I salute you! I embrace with love, affection and gratitude. May God reward you thousandfold for all you've been to me. Without you I would never be who I am now and would never be able to do what God was able to do through me in those past twenty years of priesthood...

This is a song we sang together as newly ordained priests on that day, May 22, 1988 in Kraków's cathedral church, right after the ordination rite. As I continue to rejoice in the Lord, immensely grateful for His love and mercy to us, who were ordained on that memrable day, please, join me in reliving that magic moment again, singing (in English or in Polish, your choice) along with the video clips of this song I found on internet...

English lyrics:

In the Lord I'll be ever thankful,
In the Lord I will rejoice!
Look to God, do not be afraid...
Lift up your voices, the Lord is near...
Lift up your voices, the Lord is near...

Polish lyrics:

Pan jest Mocą swojego Ludu, Pieśnią moją jest Pan!
Moja Tarcza i moja Moc,
On jest mym Bogiem, nie jestem sam...
W Nim moja siła, nie jestem sam...

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