Tuesday, June 29, 2010


It is a pity that the high season for tourists and other holiday visitors in Tanzania begins according to northern hemisphere rhythm of nature life cycles... When so called First World people begin their holidays, here in East Africa, including Tanzania, everything, but the nature itself, comes to alert - tourists are coming! The nature itself goes to hibernation, entering the ugliest, in my humble opinion, season, 'kipupwe' in kiswahili...

Living in Tanzania for the past twenty years, I don't understand why people come here in winter! It is the worst season of the year. Well, those who climb Kilimanjaro may have a point as dry season is better for climbing this magnificent volcano. But the rest of the nature? June till early September is the worst time in Tanzania. Dry as a bone, dust everywhere, winds sweeping the countryside, dimmed sunshine, poor visibility, foggy weather in mornings, cold temperatures in comparison to other seasons, time for getting sick - flu, breathing problems, eye infections, cough, dried and parched skin, time to keep an eye on the condition of your lips, hands and heels, all sorts of troubles, you name it...

What is that attracts those poor chaps this time? Maybe they have no other choice but to follow the rhythm of life on th other side of the world? I'm not sure... Maybe they (or most of them) simply have no idea how beautiful, how gorgeous, how glorious this country is during rainy seasons and summer (December-February)! Dressed in all regal colors, living life to its fullest!

When you come to Tanzania for a few weeks or months you will not experience what I am talking about. You will not see how big a difference is between summer and winter in Tanzania. You have to be here for a year at least to live through the full cycle of life in Tanzania. Then you will understand what I am talking about!

So, karibuni (welcome) Tanzania, wageni wetu (our visitors)! Karibuni Kiabakari! But you still don't know what you are missing, by choosing to come to Tanzania in winter. Such a pity! Poleni sana!


  1. I'll spend my first doctor's salary for a winter trip to Tanzania! winter 2013 here I come!:)

  2. Bit remote perspective, Justyna :(((( I may be long dead before that :/ Let's do it December 2010, will we? Just to visit Zosia and check how she is doing :)

  3. oh give me a break, u know how fast time goes by! 2010 is possible only if tickets are for free;)

  4. We will have special Sunday collection from now on to get the money for your ticket. :)

  5. Please don't do that, that would be 4th (?)collection on Sunday mass;) let's wait for my salary..;)

  6. This time it will be done via SMS! :)
