Sunday, March 11, 2012

One Horse Cart

All four parishes (missions) in our Butiama deanery a manned by single priests. Four parishes. Four priests. One horse carts...Yesterday we had a meeting of the executive council of Kiabakari parish. One of the chairpersons of outstations asked a question when we finished agenda and arrived to AOB (any other business). He wanted to know why I did not ask bishop for an assistant priest, so it could be easier for me to perform my duties and find time for rest and ensure the continuity of pastoral services while I am away on my 'scouting trips' looking for support and funding...

I asked him calmly - how many his own sons he sent to the seminary to become priests? None. I asked everyone else in the meeting hall (forty people). None. I answered - now you know why I cannot get an assistant, because there is none available in this diocese. The deanery combines single parishes, there are not many vocations to diocesan priesthood, boys prefer to join international religious congregations because life in them is much more attractive and economically stable. \

I have asked bishop many times, he has no priests to offer as help.

Well, I suggested, maybe we should present only one request to bishop when he comes for the pastoral canonical visitation in the beginning of July this year. Instead of asking for buildings, money, classrooms bla bla bla... maybe we should ask him for one favor - an assistant parish priest?

I am well aware that my time in Kiabakari will come to an end. Sooner or later. I don't want to build on myself the future of this place and its institutions. My dream is to hand over everything to a reliable serious religious congregation which would run the parish, the shrine, the health center and schools in proper manner. I hope the Lord will hear my prayer...

Till then, I do not see any hope for help. Unless bishop changes his mind and sends someone to help me and the parish.

I count on your kind prayers...


  1. Greetings dear Wojciech - How scare priests are all over the world now especially here in Ireland.I was wondering are the other priests in the Deanery African or Polish-I suppose the hope is that eventually the African church will be able to take care of its needs but that is still a long way off.The struggle for basic needs is still great in Africa and the rest of the world must respond generously. We have a big Trocaire campaign in Ireland during Lent and people are very good at contributing to it. While looking after God's temple make sure you look after the holy temple that is you yourself and don't get too exhausted pulling the one horse cart.It is difficult having to supervise the health centre as well as everything else but then again with only one man a lot falls on your shoulders.I have found your Lenten thoughts challenging and yet encouraging. Take care Love and prayers Lena.

  2. Well, that personal temple is not up to the scratch at the moment, hopefully I'll sort myself out a bit. Praying!
