Friday, March 9, 2012

Proper Perspective

Being in the middle of the hive of activities in my mission, surprisingly, the Friday privilege to restore the dignity of the Children of God in the Sacrament of Reconciliation preceding the Via Crucis for the parochial community in the shrine, then leading the meditations of the Stations of the Way of the Cross and the Holy Mass that follows the Stations immediately - gives me a huge relief inspite of this intense feelings and spiritual work. This Friday meditation of the Christ's Passion gives my whole life and what I do a proper perspective, it gives simply a right meaning to my struggle, hardships and fight for the vision which drives me since 1991 here in Kiabakari. I am so happy that today, as much as I am tired and worn out by numerous things that go on in the mission on various fronts and levels, I can detach myself again from all this, and look on myself, the reality, life and everything from a distance, in the divine light that radiates from the meditation of the Passion of Christ. I cannot simply get how anyone can claim that she or he participated well in Lent season without participation and meditation of the Stations of the Way of the Cross. Incomprehensible to me.

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