Sunday, December 12, 2010


I have every reason to celebrate today's Third Sunday of Advent called traditionally 'Gaudete Sunday' with my heart, soul and mind overflowing with sentiments of joy, gratitude and jovial mood. One of the greatest times of my life in past three months - such an undeserved gift of God and so many grand people... Now, back safely in Tanzania, feeling immediately at home, enjoying the presence of my wonderful friends here, soaking in megatons of sunrays, humidity and heat... Looking forward to a few days of encounters and business affairs... Getting ready to go back to Kiabakari, fully motivated, charged and ready to tackle new challenges! I immersed myself with all these positive vibes in the Ocean of Divine Mercy in the morning Eucharist and surrendered myself anew to Our Lady of Fatima protection and maternal guidance under a watchful eye of St. Joseph from Mont Royal's Oratory... I'm ready for a new chapter of my life and struggle in Kiabakari... Are YOU ready to journey with me and help me with your prayers and support to make the Divine Vision of Kiabakari happen?

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