Monday, August 30, 2010


My country is (and indeed the whole world should too) celebrating today the 30th Anniversary of the birth of NSZZ 'Solidarnosc' (the first free independent trade union 'Solidarity' after the Second World War in Poland) which brought eventually the end of the communist era in Poland and Eastern Europe...

The official channel of NSZZ 'Solidarnosc' on YouTube can be found here... On Polish government website you may find this interesting slide show.

 Watch this video clip on 30th anniversary of the movement and the following videos to get more info:



One of my favorite composer/artists/singers Marek Grechuta from Kraków composed this special song in honor of 'Solidarnosc' (in Polish):

Jean Michel Jarre played a special 'Solidarnosc' tribute concert in Gdańsk in August 2005 to commemorate 25th Anniversary of the birth of 'Solidarnosc'.


  1. Happy Anniversary , Wojciech, on the day the Solidarity Movement is recalled.What a momentous occasion that was and how brave the workers in Gdansk were - may this strong spirit of courage and endurance continue to abide among the Polish community - that noble democracy of Poland.
    I meant to comment on the small parcel/bundle that was you on your Baptism Day. Tom and I were astonished to learn that it all that took place in Nova Huta. A great missionary priest comes from the former Communist stronghold with not even a Catholic church in sight- isn't God's grace amazing. Tom calls a 'citizen of the universe' so comprehensive in scope are your interests and extent of your knowledge of everything!! You sure keep learning in the school of life. I hope you don't run yourself to the ground with all that you want to see accomplished before you go to the States - one man can only do so much so be careful with your energies and health.

  2. Dear Lena, I am no longer the same 24/7 person as I used to be. Time takes it toll and the price of love of Africa is expensive - health-wise, psychologically, emotionally, you name it... So, as my strength wanes away, so this vacuum is filled with more trust in God's Providence...when I arrive to the point I cannot go further or I hit a wall, then the trust kicks in...

    As my interests are concerned, I guess I owe it to my parents and Grandma, they were so versatile in their interests, so I just followed the suit and now my whereabouts and the opportunity to learn from multicultural community I live in come nicely at, nothing strange. I regret I am such a lazy learner though :(

    My greetings and regards to grand people of All-Ireland! :) Love and peace!
