Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Sitting in the couch in the sitting room of the rectory in Kahangala, waiting for my host, Fr. Andrzej Mądry, CR to come back from his pastoral duties in the parish. Drying after the whole day spent in Mwanza City in the drizzle. The rain which accompanied me all the way almost from Kiabakari to Mwanza, turned into drizzle in Mwanza itself and refused to go away...

It is quite unpleasant experience to go through 'to-do-list' in such weather. Getting out of the car, getting soaked, getting into the office, shop, garage, whatever I had on my list, getting back, heading on and so on and so on and so on...

But if this persistent drizzle meant to be an outward sign of positive day, I accept it with all my heart. Indeed, I feel satisfied and reasonably happy as the day went well, things got done and ticked off on the list and I was able to come to Kahangala to visit my friend earlier than I predicted.

So, thanks be to God for the gift of this day. Thanks be to God for the gift of the rain. Thanks be to God for the hope I hold on tight to against all odds, that all my worries, stresses and uncertainties will get sorted out positively eventually.

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