Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Guided Tour in Your Personal Desert

Setting off to the personal desert, guided by the same Holy Spirit who led Jesus Himself and strengthened Him in His personal battle against the temptations of the Evil One and His own bodily weaknesses. This year I am particularly relieved that the Holy time of Lent came at last. It took so long. Been waiting for it with hunger and longing of spirit, mind and body. The first day of Lent, the Ash Wednesday, opens officially the forty days long lenten exercises. This is a special time charged with so powerful gifts of the Holy Spirit we have no slightest idea!

I'm happy and relieved that Lent came at last. I'm ready for it. My lenten resolutions are at place and I will try my best to stick to them and fulfill them with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Setting off to the personal desert, following the example of the Master Himself, means finding that spiritual realm where the Holy Spirit meets me and my life as it is and helps me to undergo a gradual or rapid - depending on the real needs of my self - transformation, or in other words - purification helping me to go back to the roots of my humanity, Christianity, my vocation, my life... starting afresh with Christ.

This departure from my daily life heading to the spiritual personal desert during Lent time must involve my whole self. My spirit. My body. My mind. And all my spiritual exercises, helped, nourished and facilitated by the Holy Spirit Himself must involve completely all these three realms of my person.

My spirit - cleansing it from all that soils it, rubbishes it, weakens it, sickens it. This involves an examination of conscience, real good look at myself. This is purification and reconciliation with God per se. On the other hand - strengthening everything that is good, noble, holy, flourishing my charismas and talents. This is a positive notion - sanctification and reconsecration to Christ per se.

Lenten liturgy helps a lot in this matter. My personal life of prayer and communal liturgy on parochial level. Both types must go along. It is not enough to take part in communal liturgy like Stations of the Way of the Cross, Ash Wednesday imposition of ashes, passion devotions (like Polish Gorzkie Żale on Sunday afternoons), Holy Week, Triduum Sacrum etc... My personal spiritual journey back to Christ, back to my roots must accompany this public worship - my personal sacrament of reconciliation, private visitations of the Eucharist in silence, adorations, Bible study, personal prayers, spiritual readings etc. Both ways go along nicely and serve one goal - renewal of the community of believers through personal renewal of each one of us. Starting afresh from Christ.

My body must submit to the demands of this holy time too. Again, as in the case of my spirit - my lenten corporal exercises must include fasting and personal sacrifice of things, foods and behaviors I like, maybe too much - constituting a healthy regime of my body care, getting rid of everything that is harmful to my body, and on the other hand, building habits that are necessary to me and my proper health care. In African terms this would mean for instance simple things like - abandoning practice of brushing teeth using unsafe water (tap water, unboiled water) or decision to boil drinking water for the family - which is a common practice in Kiabakari where many families don't care and drink unsafe water, thus getting sick with parasites and ameba all the time. This would mean also buying mosquito nets for the whole family. These are just a few examples of Lenten resolutions in regards of positive approach to our body welfare.

My mind must follow the suit too. Detaching myself and my mind from noise of this world, from unnecessary concerns and occupations. Turning down the volume of radio or TV set. Abandoning watching unnecessary programs or deciding to switch off the TV or radio altogether. Finding times of silence and calm ambiance. Changing habits of hanging around noisy parties or groups and going for a walk instead. Abandoning reading books, publications or magazines that offend morals or are against my beliefs... There are so many ways to free my mind from all this clutter, rubbish and worthless trash that fills it to the brim.

And on the other hand - putting my mind in good use, filling with holy themes, realities and ideas. Turning it to focus on what is important in my life, my beginnings, my vocations, my goals, people who are important for me, people who need me, things and agendas that are really important and must be taken care of. Setting noble goals, switching my rails and directing them towards the righteousness...

Oh, how busy this Lenten time can be for those who know what to do! How pitiful are those wait only for Easter, forgetting that in order to rise from the dead you must die first! And be reborn anew, starting afresh from Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit who is able and willing to take care of me in ways that are truly breathtaking and amazing. If only I allow Him to take me by hand and show me what to do with my life and myself.

What a wonderful time this is! What a meaningful and full of purpose. If you haven't sat down with your pen and a piece of paper to write down the program of your Lenten adventure in your personal desert, taking active part in a guided tour given to you by the Holy Spirit Himself, you'd better do it right now. You won't regret it. And you will never look at Lent with resigned face, seeing it s a boring time, nonsense period or just waiting for Easter to come... This will be the time you will be waiting for with longing of your whole self for the whole year and rejoicing when it comes!

Safari njema! (Safe journey!)

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