Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Encounter

Every Saturday, if only I am in Kiabakari and there is no school break time, gives me unique opportunity to  meet with our catechumens and children preparing for their First Communion. We begin with morning prayers and Holy Rosary, proceeding with the Holy Mass and - most of times - the Eucharistic adoration. This liturgical encounter allows me to share with them my faith and to pray together the best way there is - through the Eucharist...

Depending on my schedule, I like to monitor their progress in the classroom, as they continue with their religious instruction after the morning Saturday liturgy in the shrine. We meet from time to time for scheduled subjects, especially for mystagogical catechesis, regarding the most important mysteries of our faith and the sacraments.

Today I had another lovely opportunity to meet my kids. First in the shrine, then in the classroom as today I wished to see First Communion class which is being nurtured by Sister Jennipher Mutale, pastoral sister of our mission. I loved this encounter, I loved the feeling of connection, of sharing what is dearest to my heart and the way I see coming Lent and what we should do to prepare for it. I loved the interaction with children, their attention and interest they showed. When I finally imparted my blessing for them and left the center for education and formation, my heart was overjoyed and the feeling of warmth ruled supreme in my soul.

We have great kids, they deserve the best care, love and guidance we are able to provide for them. Today's encounter left me with no doubt about it. Left alone, they will be shaped by the world and whatever shallow proposals it has for them to offer. Finally, they will lose their identity, their inner goodness, charismas and talents...

I will pray more and more for them and for their families and Small Christian Communities, so we help them grow and mature in God's ways. They deserve it.

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